Singing Guide: The Cowsills

Singing Guide: The Cowsills

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Cowsills: A Guide to Creating Their Unique Vocal Style

The Cowsills is a family band that was active from the 1960s until 2018. Their close harmony singing and unique arrangements brought them success in the pop music industry.

Learning to sing like The Cowsills can help you develop your vocal range, improve your harmony skills, and learn to blend with other singers. In this article, we will explore some of their unique vocal technique and suggest some songs to practice.

The family's songs often feature complex harmonies and arrangements. One of the most unique things about The Cowsills' vocal style is their use of unison singing, where all the vocalists sing the same melody together. They often layer harmonies on top of this, creating a rich and expansive sound. Listen to their hit song "The Rain, The Park & Other Things" to understand this harmonization technique.

To emulate The Cowsills' unique vocal style, you can practice singing in unison with other vocalists. This can help you develop a strong sense of rhythm and timing, and improve your ability to stay in pitch. You can also practice singing different harmonies to familiar songs, experimenting with how your vocal parts interact with others.

Another unique technique used by The Cowsills is their use of acapella breaks in their songs. They often pause the music, leaving only the voices to fill the space with a rich and warm texture. An example of this technique can be heard in their rendition of "Amazing Grace."

To practice this technique, you can try singing acapella versions of familiar songs, experimenting with dynamics and tone to create interesting contrasts and textures.

Here are some songs to practice that showcase The Cowsills' unique vocal techniques:

  1. The Rain, The Park & Other Things - listen to the layering of harmonies
  2. Hair - focus on the unison singing and harmonizing
  3. Indian Lake - practice acapella breaks
  4. Love American Style - listen to the use of background vocals to support the lead singer

For more resources to improve your singing, visit Singing Carrots. You can start by taking our vocal range test to determine where your range lies. Our pitch accuracy test can help you improve your pitch accuracy, and the pitch training tool can help you improve your agility and range. Additionally, our singing course covers the basics of singing theory and practical tips. For a comprehensive list of famous singers' vocal ranges, check out the artist vocal ranges section.

Keep practicing these techniques and songs, and you'll be on your way to mastering The Cowsills' unique vocal style!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.